CALL FOR PAPERS – 17th Int’l Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, Clemson

Call for Papers
17th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum
Conference Theme: “Ethics Without Borders”
Clemson University, Greenville, SC
October 8-10, 2015
Deadline for submissions: August 1st, 2015

Opening Plenary: Judith Lichtenberg, Georgetown University

Keynote: Owen Flanagan, Duke University

Issues include: Economic Development, Human Rights, Capabilities Approaches, Communitarianism, Cosmopolitanism, Identity and the Other, Statehood and Citizenship, Immigration, Global Poverty and Aid, Disaster Relief and Resource Allocation, School Development, Global Corporate Responsibilities, Environmental Sustainability, Climate Change, Cross-cultural Moral Psychology, Moral Education in Diverse Contexts, Ethics and Religion, Comparative Ethics, and Moral Relativism.

Submissions may include case studies, pedagogical methods or demonstrations, and papers.

Directors: Daniel Wueste, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, and Alan Preti

Submissions via EasyChair:

Registration and conference information: